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FD研修報告 FD training report
(報告)英語で教授法を学ぶFD研修を開催しました Short-term FD training for faculty and staff held
岩手大学では、国際教育センターが主催となり協定校であるカナダのサスカチュワン大学グエナ・モス・ティーチング&ラーニング・センターのAditi Garg先生を講師に迎え、英語によるFD研修プログラムを開催しました。対象は岩手大学の教職員及び大学院生といわて高等教育コンソーシアムの構成大学教職員とし、研修には11月7日から9日までの4日間でのべ79名が参加しました。
Iwate University International Education Center hosted an FD training program in English with Ms. Aditi Garg of the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, our partner university. The target participants were faculty and staff of Iwate University and Graduate School students, and faculty and staff from universities in Iwate Prefecture. 79 people in total participated in the four-day training from November 7 to 9.
In addition to active learning, the training offered included effective ways to introduce group work, universal design for learning (UDL), and reflection and feedback.
Participants commented that "I learned a lot of new active learning methods and reflection methods, which was very useful," "I would like to participate in such training again and make the most of it in my own classes," and "It has been a while since I took a class in English, and although it was difficult to understand what was being said, it was a good stimulus and motivation for me. I had not taken a class in English for a long time.
This is the fourth in-person FD training session since the program began in 2008, except for the Corona Disaster period. Iwate University plans to continue FD training as part of its exchange programs with partner universities and to improve the teaching skills and English proficiency of faculty and staff.