

【国際交流PRアソシエイトからの発信★】The Eternal Shining Light of Iwate


【Messages ★ from the International Exchange PR Associate】

Kenji Miyazawa is a graduate of the Morioka Imperial College of Agriculture and Forestry, the predecessor of the Faculty of Agriculture at Iwate University. With the hope that people around the world will know about Kenji, an international student at Iwate University, will introduce the life and achievements of Kenji Miyazawa in English and Chinese. (Language: English, Chinese)


The Eternal Shining Light of Iwate

---- The commemorating the centenary of Miyazawa Kenji 's first work

Miyazawa Kenji(宮沢賢治 みやざわ けんじ)(August 27, 1896 - September 21, 1933) was an influential Japanese poet, fairy tale writer, agriculturist, educator, and devout Buddhist and social activist. His works with a strong color of fantasy, a large number of natural symbols and scenes, everywhere reveals the concern for life. In his works, he embodies the exploration and thinking of nature, society and life, full of good feelings about life, sincere and profound, romantic and cold, kind and compassionate, with a unique humanistic temperament. Together with Natsume Soseki, Dazai Osamu, Kawabata Yasunari, Mishima Yukio, and Murakami Haruki, he is one of the most popular Japanese writers of the past 1,000 years, which shows his pivotal position in the Japanese literary world.[i]

A well-known national writer in Japan, he has a deep connection with Iwate University. In April 1915, Miyazawa Kenji was admitted to the Morioka Higher Agriculture and Forestry School (now the Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University) and entered the school with the first place. He conducted geological survey research under the guidance of Professor Toyotaro Seki. After Miyazawa Kenji graduated on March 15, 1918, he continued his studies as a research student majoring in agriculture and conducted soil property surveys in Hienuki.

In 1921, Miyazawa Kenji became a teacher at Hienuki Agricultural School. The four years he spent as an agricultural school teacher were also the peak period of Kenji's literary creation. He farmed during the day and gave classes to farmers at night, explaining agricultural knowledge, teaching English, telling stories and holding concerts. He spent every minute of his life on altruism, sharing the joys and sorrows of farmers in dire straits. In this way, at the age of only 37, he contracted lung disease due to overwork and malnutrition, and unfortunately died early. The first and second episodes of Spring and Asura took shape during this period (1922-1926).

On April 20, 1924, Miyazawa Kenji published at his own expense the book Spring and Asura. However, unlike his works, which were not taken seriously in his lifetime, the charm of his works not only did not fade with the passage of time, but also became one of the brightest chapters in the history of modern Japanese literature.

It is now exactly 100 years since Miyazawa Kenji published his first collection of poems. Over the past years, countless people have been comforted by the spiritual power conveyed by his works, silently encouraging people in trouble.

In his short life, Miyazawa Kenji firmly practiced his belief: "世界がぜんたい幸福にならないうちは個人の幸福はありえない" (there can be no individual happiness without the happiness of all mankind).

As an international student at Iwate University, I can feel Miyazawa Kenji's incomparable talent and compassion in his work, and remember him with reverence and affection, and live out his ideals as if he never left here.

[i] In 2000, the Asahi Shimbun asked readers to vote for the most outstanding figures of literature (novelists, poets, poets, haiku poets, literary critics, etc.) who appeared in Japan between 1000 and 1999. Miyazawa Kenji ranked fourth.



宮沢賢治(1896年8月27日-1933年9月21日),日本极具影响力的诗人、童话作家、农业家、教育家,也是虔诚的佛教徒与社会运动者。他的作品带着强烈的幻想色彩,大量运用自然的象征与情景,处处流露出对生命的关怀。在他的作品中寄寓了对大自然、对社会、对人生的探索和思考,满溢着对生活得美好感受,真挚而深邃,浪漫而冷峻,善良而慈悲,具有独特的人文气质。2000年,《朝日新闻》实施了一项名为 "一千年来最喜欢的日本作家" 的调查,宫泽贤治的得票数超过世界级作家三岛由纪夫、诺贝尔文学奖得主川端康成和大江健三郎,名列第四。这也足见他在日本文坛举足轻重的地位。


1921年,宫泽贤治成为稗贯农学校的一名教师。他担任农学校教师的四年,也是宫泽贤治文学创作的巅峰时期。他白天耕种,夜晚为农民上课,讲解农业知识、教英语、讲故事、举办音乐会,他把生命的一分一秒都用于利他,与水深火热之中的农民同甘苦、共命运。就这样,年仅37岁的他由于过度劳累和营养失调染上肺病,不幸早逝。他去世后,留下的手稿受到高度评价,其作品至今还被选入教科书中,或改编成电影电视作品,或以音乐形式演奏,并被翻译成22国语言,在诸多国家出版。《春天与阿修罗》的第一集和第二集就成形于这一时期(1922-1926 年)。

1924 年4 月20日,宫泽贤治自费出版了《心象素描 春天与阿修罗》。然而,与他生前作品不受重视所不同的是,他的作品的魅力不但没有随时间的推移而褪色,反而历久弥新,成为日本近代文学史上最为璀璨的篇章之一。





This image is from the official website of Iwate University(