




(誤)× 2014年5月15日(木)必着 ※学生が直接財団に提出
(正)○ 2014年4月30日(水) ※国際課に提出

一般財団法人 鷹野学術振興財団から、奨学生の募集案内が届いています。

1 応募資格 (下記条件全てを満たす学生が申請可能)Qualifications

(1)「科学技術関係」を専攻している学部生または大学院生 Private students who major in study area related to "Science Techology".
              医療機器関連、健康・福祉関連、環境・エネルギー関連、農学・機能性食品 など
   "Science Technology" includes...Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Image Processing, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Information Technology, Material Engineering, Chemistry, Medical Equipment, Health and Welfare, Environmental and Energy, Agriculture and Functional food, etc.

   As of April 1st 2014, those who in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade of undergraduate and those who in 1st grade of Master's course

(3)卒業後には製造業への就職を希望している Students who intend to find a job in manufacturing industry.

(4)過去に当財団の奨学生に使用されたことがないStudents who have never won this scholarship.

   Students whose nationality is not Japan are required to have enough skills of reading and writing Japanese.

2 奨学金の概要 Details of the scholarship

  募集人数 全国で若干名     奨学金月額 年間60万円(30万円ずつ7月と1月の2回に分けて支給)
  A few students will get this scholarship in Japan.  Grantee will receive ¥600,000 for a year.(scholarship will be paid on July and January, \300,000 at a time) 

書類提出締切 :2014年4月30日(水)必着 ※国際課へ提出
Submission deadline : Submit all documents to the foundation directly by Wednesday, April 30 2014.